Brentwood Inspired Living Center is made possible by generous contributions from people like you. Your conscious giving supports our growth and expansion.
If you feel gratitude for, inspired and nourished by our community, the content on this website or our You Tube channel we ask that you consider supporting our center from your heart.
Zelle or Bill Payment, automatic monthly donation through your bank
Paypal: Please select ‘Sending to Friend’
USPS Snail Mail: Brentwood ILC, P.O.BOX 212 OAKLEY, CA 94561
Sign up with Zelle through your bank
(online- Payment Center tab > Zelle tab)
‘Add’ Brentwood Inspired Living Center as a ‘Contact’.
The required fields* are:
First Name*: Brentwood
Last Name*: ILC
Nick Name*: ILC Zelle
Find Us on Paypal:
Donate by cash or check on Sunday mornings, to our office or by mail. Please include your name and address for contribution credit.
Checks can be made payable and mailed to:
Brentwood Inspired Living Center
P.O. BOX 212
Oakley, CA 94561
501(c)(3) Non-Profit