We are something DIFFERENT. We are something NEW. Welcome Home!
Many Voices.
Shared Inspiration.
Life Transformation.
Unity Inspired Living is a loving, supportive community that welcomes all people.
We foster inspiration, aliveness and authentic community. Our function is to be the light of the world, expressing and embodying inner peace, choosing to see everything as a blessing or an opportunity to learn and shift into new awareness.
We embrace Universal Truth, ancient spiritual traditions as well as emerging wisdom.
We are an ever evolving spiritual community dedicated to personal and global transformation. Our purpose is to be a safe environment for all people to explore their spiritual path, recognize their oneness with God, and gain inspiration, insight and wisdom to share with the world.
Our movement is progressive, practical and powerful. We honor the many names and paths for the One Spirit that connects us all. Our intention is to Connect with compassion, Grow with purpose, and Expand into greater awareness.
We establish an atmosphere where everyone has the opportunity to feel loved and valued.
You will discover a dynamic selection of thought leaders offering an array of inspirational messages and a talented group of musicians who share their musical gift with us on Sunday mornings.
Each week is a unique and powerful experience.
Our hope is that you will be uplifted and inspired by our music and message.
We are affiliated with the global Unity Worldwide Ministries movement. The Unity movement was founded by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore in 1889 as a healing ministry based on the power of prayer and the deep understanding that each person is a unique expression of God and is sacred. Unity emphasizes that the creative power of life-affirming thought, words, and actions allow us to experience a more fulfilling and abundant life. Unity has established spiritual centers of study and inspiration throughout the world.
We are so glad you found us and look forward to meeting you!
Peace, Love & Blessings.