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Lysa Allman-Baldwin

May 12
Facebook Live

Lysa's Talk: That's My Story...​And I'm Willing to Give it Up!

We all have a story – that collection of experiences we’ve had in our lives. Some of those experiences are positive, and some leave a lot to be desired.  Unfortunately, we often latch onto the challenging ones, making them the central narrative our subconscious mind uses to filter current and future events.  But if we can reexamine those stories in order to separate the facts of what happened in our lives from our interpretation of the facts, that’s where real transformation begins!


Join sought-after Speaker, Leadership Strategist, Workshop Facilitator, and Author Lysa Allman-Baldwin, for “That’s my story … and I’m willing to give it up!” and learn some actionable steps we can take to reframe our old stories and chart a new conscious path for the future.

Community Connection: 11:30am - 12:30pm on Zoom:

Suggested love offering: $10 - $25 via Zelle, Paypal or check.  See for details.

For over 25 years, Lysa Allman-Baldwin has fed her wanderlust for “everything the world has to offer” by writing travel and feature articles for numerous print and online publications.  


A few years ago, Lysa’s travels crossed paths with a very personal, inner journey which resulted in her new book, I Cried. And People Loved Me Anyway.  It's the story of how, due to a series of events that happened within a very short period of time, her life completely fell apart and she was literally, ready to check out. However, through faith, self-forgiveness and a lot of unconditional love, she moved from the depths of despair to living a truly authentic life.


Lysa’s website——showcases her experience as a gifted and sought-after motivational speaker, writer and workshop facilitator.


Her mission—through the written and spoken word—is to inspire others to live a life full of passion, authenticity and purpose.

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